GHAZNI CITY (Pajhwok): Fifteen sorcerers have been arrested in southern Ghazni province in the past three months, the Propagation of Virtue, Prevention of Vice and Bearing Complaints Department said on Wednesday.
PVPE Director Maulvi Mohammad Alim Nasih told Pajhwok Afghan News the department arrested 15 wizards in the province during the past three months.
He said the arrested individuals had been handed over to judicial organs and punished.
According to Nasih, some other people who had been arrested were released for lack of evidence against them after taking a pledge.
The department is committed to preventing corruption, fraud, deception, and other actions that harm society and cause problems among people, he said, adding efforts are also being made to arrest all those who call themselves sorcerers, magicians and give talismans.
Nasih asked the people not to approach such people and refrain from actions that are against the religion of Islam.
Some Ghazni residents welcome this move by the virtue department and said these individuals not only robbed people of their money, but also created problems between families.
Abdul Wali told Pajhwok people in many areas are illiterate, which is why they believe in false beliefs and superstitions and turn to soothsayers and fortune tellers to solve their problems.
Meanwhile, religious scholars also consider sorcery, and magic to be major sins in Islam and urge the people to protect themselves from these practices.
Such people not only commit acts against Islamic law, but also create problems between families, leading people astray, Maulvi Wasif Ahmad, a scholar added.
The departments of PVPE and Hajj have the responsibility to prevent sorcerers and magicians from operating in the society, Ahmad explained.