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Quit smoking and feel the benefit

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By Fiona Reid
Quit smoking and feel the benefit

SMOKERS in the region were this week told that giving up the habit could save them £3332 a year.

Charity ASH Scotland revealed the quitting figure on Wednesday’s No Smoking Day.

As well as the financial gain, ASH pointed out that giving up smoking increases opportunities to live a healthier life through improving mental health and decreasing the risks of developing coronary heart disease, type two diabetes, dementia and some cancers.

They had the support of South Scotland Colin Smyth MSP, who is urging the region’s smokers to make attempts to stop and win through improvements in their physical health, mental wellbeing and finance.

He said: “I am pleased to be supporting ASH Scotland’s ‘Quit and Win’ campaign and encourage my constituents who smoke but want to give up to try for the first time, or try again, to quit smoking and gain a range of health benefits as well as the chance to save your money when you live a tobacco-free life.”

And he highlighted the free Quit Your Way expert service provided by NHS Scotland.

Meanwhile, Alan Dalziel, from ASH Scotland, said: “Tobacco is still the biggest cause of preventable death in Scotland but people across South Scotland can have a brighter future by quitting smoking, and we’re delighted Colin Smyth MSP is backing our campaign to raise awareness of the free help that is available on the NHS.

“Most people in Scotland who give up smoking do so without quit aids but, for those who need support, nicotine replacement patches, gums or lozenges that are backed by established evidence and safety controls can help your chances of success, along with free specialist health advice from Quit Your Way services.”

* Visit or call the free helpline on 0800 848484.



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